Thursday, November 24, 2011

Rock Bottom...?

I think I've hit it.I think I've hit rock bottom. There is no where to go from here. Adelyn has been taken from our home and I have been deemed unfit to take care of her. I knew this was coming...I knew when this illness started that this was coming, I just didn't know when.

I want to try and bring everyone up to speed, while also respecting Greg's wishes for me not to share all of our personal information on the internet. I will try to walk that fine line in this post. I should also say that, because of the ECT, my recollection of events is poor to say the least, so bare with me.

I don't even know where to start- I guess I will just start typing and hope that something makes some sense. Things have been going downhill for quite some time;I have been in and out of the Emergency Room, on and off my medications. I have even resorted to such drastic treatments as ECT. Nothing has helped this far and things have just escalated with Adelyn and my feelings. Now the most recent development is that Adelyn is not allowed in our home for AT LEAST 30 days, probably much longer. I am not allowed to see her unless there are TWO other adults in the room. That's right, not one but TWO. I think that is a bit extreme. They really feel as though I am capable of killing her. I made it quite clear in the meeting with FACS, that if anyone was going to die, it was going to be me.

So here I sit, alone, while Adelyn is at my in-laws with Brittany. Not exactly how I would have planned the first 18 months of Adelyn's life. I miss her, but yet I don't at the same time. There is so much pain there, that without her around, I have a break from it for a while. It's a double-edged sword for sure.

I can't help but believe that this world would be so much better off without me. I have never felt so close to killing myself as I have in these past days. I just feel like I've reached the end of the line; there is no where to go from here. ECT isn't working...medications has failed me...therapy does nothing....I really have nothing left. The only thing that is keeping me going is Greg and Adelyn. I don't want to leave them without a wife and mother. That would be incredibly selfish of me. Although I have thoughts of harming her, I love Adelyn deeply and I only want the best for her in her life. And that includes having a mother figure.

I find myself turning to God right now, and asking why. Why Lord have you made me suffer for this long? Why, Lord, have you put my family through this hardship? Maybe I will never know the answers-and that has to be okay with me. I know God knows what He's doing, even though it may not make perfect sense to me right now. I just pray that he will continue to hold me up and keep me alive to see my daughter grow up. A happy, healthy Adelyn, that's all I want. Please Lord, please allow me to be there for her.

As an aside, my treatments have been going all right - I have felt no improvement and I've had 6 treatments in total. I was told that if you don't feel anything by 6, usually you don't. But today the doctor told me that I have to stay the course, and that some people dramatically improve in the last few weeks. All I can do is hope and pray that he is right.

Thank-you to all of you who continue to hold me up in prayer, and to express your concern. I appreciate it more than you know. To have a community behind you when you're facing such a terrible struggle is invaluable. I know I wouldn't have the strength to continue if it weren't for your prayers and support. Please continue to ask questions, I am always happy to answer (because I believe it will help others along the way). God bless you all.


  1. sending you love, strength, prayer, a warm hug. You guys can get through this! Don't lose hope!

  2. Don't lose hope. I have to believe that you will be one of the ones who sees improvement in the last week of treatment. I can't let myself believe that you are going through all this for nothing. Something good must come from all this and you are on your way to making something good come from it. This blog, sharing your experience with us is making us all better, more compassionate people. Sharing your story with mothers to be is a wonderful gift and you should be very proud of it. I wish I could take away your pain, do something to make you feel better. I wish that more than anything in the world. I will continue to pray for you, and with you.

  3. Amanda have you ever seriously considered inpatient treatment? I know you have been hospitalized before, but that is a completely different environment than somewhere where you are admitted and the focus is solely on you getting better. No Adelyn, no family, no outside distraction, just focus on you, with 24 hour supervision. Im not sure whats available in the region, but please consider this an option. Sometimes just coping and getting by takes so much energy.
    I know this sounds stupid, especially when youre depressed, but sometimes exercise can really, really help with mood. And eating a clean diet, free of preservatives and full of omega 3s. This may sound stupid and insignificant, but every piece of the puzzle is important. If there is anything I can do, please let me know

  4. my thoughts and prayers are always with you and your family. please stay strong Amanda, the world needs you, whether you believe it or not.
