Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I'm What I Never Thought I'd Be

A stay at home mom. I always said I would work, and work full-time. I never wanted to stay home - I thought I would be too bored. To be honest, I sort of looked down on SAHM's because I thought they were "wasting" their education. I know better now, now that I'm a mom too. I know how HARD it is, there is not doubt about that. I know how it's actually harder to stay at home than go to work (from my experience). I admire SAHM's...and all moms for that matter!

So obviously I quit...things went very smoothly this morning. I went into my assistant boss' office this morning and asked to talk to her, she said sure, is something wrong? I just repeated that I needed to talk to her. I did my exercise class then went back to find her - I started off by asking for a huge favour, for her to sign the form saying that I worked 20 hours instead of 16. Then I told her that this wasn't working out. I tried to explain to her about bad it was - I told her about my thoughts and how dark they were getting because of work.

I told her that it wasn't anything to do with them treating me badly, or the residents, or anything like that. She was very understanding - she said we needed to talk to Ray (the "big" boss). I was very afraid of Ray finding out I couldn't work anymore since he was very hesitant to have me back to work in the first place. Well, I should not have been afraid at all because Ray was wonderful. He allowed me to go home right then and there. He said he would sign the form no problem (and he did). He offered to drive me home because he was worried about me.

Overall it went great, however, now I don't have a job! Financially this is going to be really tight, so please pray for us that we will receive the disability benefit. I will find out in about 2 weeks if I qualify, but then don't get money for another 60 days.

I feel like a huge weight lifted off my shoulders - I'm embracing this SAHM thing and enjoying the thought of spending extra time with Adelyn. I realize that I can always go back to work, and that my career isn't over. I'm looking forward to taking classes in September (Master of Health Studies) and focusing on that. I can honestly say right now that I'm happy. Lets see how long this lasts..


  1. This is a scary journey but you will emerge better and stronger for having taken this first step. I admire you Amanda, I admire the person and the mom you are, you are more wonderful than you know -Cheryl (Sam)

  2. It's great that you're looking toward the future with a positive light! The future may be 'different' than what you thought, but a lot of the best things in life are the things we don't plan!
