I'm thankful to say that things got better after my PMS week - and after that terrible Friday where my thoughts of suicide returned. Now I'm at a different place (but who knows for how long). I feel like I can't count on anything to be permanent because it never is - something always seems to slip away from me. I'm hoping this time is different, that my feelings of mastery are real and that I CAN actually do this.
This week was my first week that Chelsea is reducing her hours. So she came at 1:30 pm Monday instead of Sunday night. This may not seem like a big deal to anyone else, but to me, spending that morning alone, was extremely scary. I'm so happy to say that the morning went well - I kept busy, went shopping, visiting, etc. I didn't stay home (where I know the thoughts start). Before, I was beating myself up for running away from things at home...but I want to choose to look at leaving as my coping skill, and coping skills are positive. It is ok that I can't stay home because I am taking action to manage my thoughts and feelings. I'm being proactive instead of reactive. I need to keep telling myself that.
So, fresh off of a great morning I still feel the high a little...like "wow, I did that!". I'm going to enjoy the ride as long as I can because it usually ends pretty abruptly. So now I'm taking steps to try and move to the next stage of recovery - for Chelsea to move out. We are going to do this gradually, a day at a time. But, in order for her to do that, I need childcare options. I'm interviewing two daycare providers on Monday so that I can have a back-up plan. So that's the next step.
Today I'm hosting a Mom's Lunch for a bunch of friends. I'm very excited to be doing this "normal" thing and hopefully looking like I've attained some sense of normalcy. I'm not doing this for "show", but I do want to appear like I've got things down...well, not appear but SHOW that i DO have things down. We shall see how this goes...
PTL for the recovery steps you're making. Thank you again for your openness and honesty and your commitment to accountability. Love ya!