Anxiety can be such a misunderstood word. Some people might say "I'm anxious about the speech I have to give" or "I have anxiety over planning my wedding"...but this doesn't even begin to explain the amount and depth of the anxiety that I'm experiencing right now.
I will put this disclaimer in: I would much rather deal with this anxiety than the depression. The depression I had no hope, could see now way out, but with this other side of the coin I have hope and faith, and I'm able to hang on.
My anxiety starts first thing in the morning - my heart starts pounding if I hear her talking before 7:30 am...I panic, "what am I going to do with her?" "I can't feed her now or else her schedule will be all messed up!". I get into a cold sweat just worrying over these things, and this is if she wakes up at 7:20 am....10 minutes doesn't seem like a lot, but to me, it's the difference between having a "good" day and having a difficult day (because she's off her schedule). Once I do get her up I am anxious throughout her entire feeding "is she going to eat enough?" "is she going to spit the food back again?" "what do I do if she doesn't want the rest of her bottle?".
My whole day is spent worrying about what to do with her next...she's been very whiney lately, and than puts me into panic mode because I have no clue what to do with her, or how to make her stop. I have no confidence in my mothering skills whatsoever. I rely on people around me to tell me how to do things, or how to make her happy, and that is so frustrating. I wish I knew what to do, and I wish I didn't have to feel the panic every time she makes a peep.
I know she's a baby, and I know that things will happen that are out of my control. BUT, knowing these things doesn't help me at all. My mind unconsciously goes into fight or flight mode when she whines/cries and I can't control the feelings that go through me. It's like a terrifying rollercoaster ride that you can't get off, no matter how many times you think you are finished the ride. It just keeps going and going.
But I have to hang on...this is the one thing that has gotten me out of my pit, and I can't turn back now. I have to deal with this anxiety, no matter how scary it may be. At least with my new found hope I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, I know it will come someday, I just don't know when. Until that day I will continue to pray that God will let me off this rollercoaster, and let me get my bearings before throwing me for another loop. I just need some time to breathe.
ReplyDeleteI haven't commented at all really...not sure what to say, and not wanting to say the wrong thing! So bare with me....I don't understand what you are going through at all....but I understand regular mom fears...(anxiety in your case) I think it's safe to say, all the fears you list here are quite normal! Again, I don't understand the severity of your feelings, i can only read so far in to try and understand! But if that gives you hope....I worried when they wouldn't finish the bottle, or threw everything up and i wondered about nutrition....if they slept to much, or to little....if they would throw a fit somewhere and i wouldn't know how to handle it....I am not trying to belittle your feelings at all...but maybe say congrats on having normal mom fears! I hope this isn't the wrong thing to say! I continue to pray for you, and that you continue to overcome this!
Rachel, Thank you for the comment. I know, I need to realize that a lot of my fears are normal "mom fears"...part of my problem is that I overreact to these normal fears - they are extreme for me. But it does help to hear that I am somewhat normal - thank-you.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry your going through this. I'm in the same boat with the anxiety. I am on medication for the PPD, but they didn't diagnose my anxiety as PPA. I enjoy reading your blog to cause I can relate. I know its a terrible feeling and I'm sure you will make it through this.